Cio-Cio San, Madam Butterfly
Cio-Cio San, Madam Butterfly
Cio-Cio San, Madam Butterfly
Lead Role: Lina Tetriani
Character: Cio-Cio
Production: Madam Butterfly
Director: Henry Akina
Conductor: Ivan Torzs
Theater: Hawaii Opera Theater, USA
City: Honolulu, USA
Year: 2014
“To borrow a phrase from William Jefferson Clinton, in Tetriani's powerful soprano voice and expressive acting we feel her pain. We also feel her hope, her optimism, her joy, and her final commitment to the Japanese credo: "Who cannot live with honor must die with honor". It is a remarkable performance by Tetriani.”
John Berger, Honolulu Pulse, Oct 12, 2014
"As Butterfly, soprano Lina Tetriani, in her Mobile Opera debut, is no weak shrinking violet. She only looks delicate and diminutive. She's a strong, determined presence who becomes increasingly tough as her tragic tale unfolds."
Watching her descend into delusion is fascinating. Tetriani is a consummate, complex actress and a sensational singer. Her voice simply soars; particularly during the show-stopping aria "Un Bel Di Vedremo," in which she dreamily visualizes the triumphant return of Pinkerton."
Tamara Ikenberg,, March 28, 2014